At the initiative of the company management from May, 21 till May, 31, the charitable action «LET'S HELP CHILDREN!», in honour of Child's Day (June 1) was organized.
On May, 15 employees of the company visited the Award ceremony of participants of the Asian competition on Taekwondo in the Fergana College of Olympic reserve and have handed over prizes from the Company for the purpose of rendering of the sponsor's help.
On November, 18th, 2011 to the Company "Daewoo Textile Fergana" with official visit arrived the Plenipotentiary ambassador of Vietnam in Uzbekistan Mr Lee Man Luan with his delegation.
On October, 12-13th, 2011 in Uzexpocentre in Tashkent city one of the most important events of the world cotton industry - the VII International Uzbek cotton and textile fair was held.
On June, 21th, 2011 to our Company with official visit from Korea, has arrived POSCO delegation. The purpose of this visit is сheck of our Company. It is the second visit of POSCO representatives in DTF.
By the initiative of General Committee of Labor Union with assistance of Light Industry Ministry on May, 3-4th in Tashkent was held competition among all workers of light industry on categories «The best committee on Labor Protection», «A Master of his job», «The best public controller on labor protection».
With a view of cooperation with educational institutions, for attraction to the Company young specialists «Daewoo Textile Fergana» Company has organised excursion for students group of Fergana State University. During visit students have been acquainted with our production, and also with activity of our Company as a whole.
On May, 14th, 2011 during an elimination game of football tournament «Navruz - 2011» was defined the finalist of Tashlak factory - team of Isomiddinov Shahobiddin.
From April, 10th till May, 10th, 2011 in the Republic of Uzbekistan was held event for environmental protection of "TOZA HAVO".