Opening of New Year and giving the company flag to the new president ceremonies
On January 7, 2019 Opening of New Year and giving the company flag to the new president ceremonies took place in the Fergana factory kitchen of Daewoo Textile LLC.
The president of the company, directors and company staff took part in this ceremony. Mr. president Kim Il U opened this event with his speech.Next speech was given to Gulnara Karimovna, the chairman of Trade Union of the company. After her speech the new president Cho Seung Hyun made a speech.
After their ceremonial speeches giving the company flag ceremony took part. Mr. Kim Il U gave the company flag to the new president of the company.
At the end of the ceremony the director of administrative and financial division Mr. Son Won Kyung said that:
Dear the staff of Daewoo Textile!
We are now on the threshold of the New Year, this year may each of us achieve new high goals as well as increase our company’s prosperity and capability.